Failing Early for Nicer Error Messages

I explain how failing early produces nicer error messages - A general principle in software engineering. Dynamic typing and C++ templates are used as negative examples, while static typing and Rust generics are used as positive examples. Every experienced programmer probably already knows this, but I still wrote this article, because I wish I knew this earlier.

The Principle

Let us say, we have a chain of function calls, or more generally speaking a chain of code parts that give some command to the next part of the chain.

Chain of code parts. Part 0 gives command 1 to part 1, which gives command 2 to part 2, ...

Now let us assume that some part of the chain, w.l.o.g. part 1 contains a bug. This bug makes part 1 give a command to part 2 that is impossible to fulfill. This command makes part 2 gives another, different but also impossible command to part 3. This command makes in turn part 3 give another, different and impossible command to part 4. Part 4 then realizes that it was given an impossible command, prints an error message and aborts.

Chain of code parts. Unlike the previous image, this time part 1 has a bug and therefore gives an impossible command to part 2, which gives an impossible command to part 3, which gives an impossible command to part 4, which aborts.

My argument is that the shorter the chain between giving an impossible command and realizing the command is impossible is, the easier the debugging will be. There are two reasons for this:

In other words, assertions are a good thing.

Case Study 1: Dynamic Typing vs Static Typing

Statically typed languages are an example of early failure, in contrast to dynamically typed languages which are an example of late failure. Consider this C++ code.

class MyType {
  void member() {}
void part3(MyType b) { b.member(); }
void part2(MyType a) { part3(a); }
void part1() { part2(123); }
void part0() { part1(); }
int main() { part0(); }
The bug in this code, is in part1: It should call part2 with a variable of type MyType, but it calls it with an integer. Because C++ is a statically typed language, part2 checks if it was given an impossible command i.e. an argument of the wrong type and the error message correctly pinpoints the problem:
main.cpp:7:16: error: no matching function for call to 'part2'
void part1() { part2(123); }
main.cpp:6:6: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'int' to 'MyType' for 1st argument
void part2(MyType a) { part3(a); }

Just from looking at this error message, we can see that the bug has to be in the body of part1 or the signature of part2. In contrast, if we run this Python code:

class MyType:
    def member(self):
def part3(b):
def part2(a):
def part1():
def part0():

It fails with

Traceback (most recent call last):
  line 12, in <module>
  line 11, in part0
  line 9, in part1
  line 7, in part2
  line 5, in part3
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'member'

Because Python is a dynamically typed, the error message only says that the bug is either in part0, part1, part2 or part3. Much less specific than the C++ version, much more work in finding the bug. In a statically typed language, compilation fails as soon as a type is wrong, i.e. it fails early. In a dynamically typed language it only fails when you actually try to do something with this type that you cannot, i.e. it fails late.

That is why statically typed languages are easier to debug and therefore better than dynamically typed languages.

Running away from the angry mob.

Case Study 2: C++ Templates vs Rust Generics

The statically typed language C++ was a positive example in the previous chapter, but it will be a negative example in this one. Once we add a template to our previous C++ code, i.e.

class MyType {
  void member() {}
template <typename T> void part3(T b) { b.member(); }
template <typename T> void part2(T a) { part3(a); }
void part1() { part2(123); }
void part0() { part1(); }
int main() { part0(); }
the error message becomes:
main.cpp:5:42: error: member reference base type 'int' is not a structure or union
template <typename T> void part3(T b) { b.member(); }
main.cpp:6:41: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'part3<int>' requested here
template <typename T> void part2(T a) { part3(a); }
main.cpp:7:16: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'part2<int>' requested here
void part1() { part2(123); }

Clang is only able to see that the bug has to be in part1, part2 or part3. Let us compare this to the best programming language, Rust:

trait MyPoly {
    fn member(&self);
fn part3<T: MyPoly>(b: T) {
fn part2<T:MyPoly>(a: T) {
fn part1() {
fn part0() {
fn main() {
Compiler Output
error[E0277]: the trait bound `{integer}: MyPoly` is not satisfied
  --> src/
11 |     part2(123);
   |     ----- ^^^ the trait `MyPoly` is not implemented for `{integer}`
   |     |
   |     required by a bound introduced by this call
note: required by a bound in `part2`
  --> src/
7  | fn part2<T:MyPoly>(a: T) {
   |            ^^^^^^ required by this bound in `part2`

The Rust compiler sees that the bug has to be in the body of part1 or the signature of part2.

Rust does not even attempt to use a type that does not fulfill the trait bound, i.e. it fails early, while C++ attempts to instantiate the template with a bad type. This is why Rust generics are nicer to debug than C++ templates.

Other Opinions

Postel’s law states the opposite of this post. I think Postel’s law is usually wrong.

SQLite seems to share my opinion.