This page is a list of blogposts/papers/talks I can recommend reading/watching, in no particular order. One day, when I find time, I'm gonna sort this page (I'm probably gonna use tags), work on the layout and fill in the missing descriptions and fix everything marked with "todo".

Greg Kroah-Hartman explains how CVE's are broken and useless, using the kernel as an example. He proposes the usage of git commit hashes instead.
These three posts explain an important advanced concept for languages that lets you handle raw pointers.
How compiler optimizations might break your code if it contains undefined behaviour, even if you know how the hardware works.
How undefined behavior in combination with compilier optimizations make C hard to use for low-level stuff
A complaint on how gcc and clang break your code if it contains undefined behaviour
Another complaint on how gcc and clang break your code if it contains undefined behaviour
Perhaps the best presented talk I ever saw

An interesting talk that explains how some languages are more suitable for large scale projects, while other languages or more suitable for small scripts. Kind of explains the difference between "programming" and "software engineering".
An example where C produces less pointer indirection than object-oriented C++
A nice explanation of a vulnerability in the linux kernel.
Front-Running and other problems in Ethereum.
todo: fix this encoding problem

How the NSA purposefully weakened encryption and lied.
A review of a paper that wants to answer whether Microsoft Word or LaTeX is more time-efficient.

This video explains why NFTs in video games are a scam.
A short rant about social media and rss.

How social media sites are walled gardens.

Two opposite opinions in the centralized vs federated debate

You will learn a lot about modern CPUs if you watch this talk.
A talk about performance and profiling